Objectives and Aims of FMRAI
- FMRAI is the only national trade union of the Sales Promotion employees (Medical and Sales Representatives) in India having its affiliates in all states of the country and offices in more than 300 cities and towns.
- FMRAI is an omnibus organisation of all field workers of all companies having marketing activity. In many companies FMRAI is recognised as the union of the field workers.
- FMRAI aims to mobilise company wise field workers to protect their trade union rights. It aims to earn recognition of various companies in all industries to improve working and service conditions. It also tries to establish grievance committees in all companies so that problems in day to day work can be resolved through bilateral discussions.
- FMRAI fights unjust actions of the management and against victimisation of the field workers viz. illegal termination of services, unjust transfers, stoppage of wages and expenses, etc.
- FMRAI mobilises its members to struggle for implementation of labour laws, fixation of minimum wages, notification of statutory work rules, working hours and payment of bonus and gratuity to all.
- FMRAI demands for strict implementation of Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of Service) Act for all Sales Promotion employees. This is a specific Act created to regulate service conditions, leave rules, etc. for the field workers.
- FMRAI is a constituent of the Committee for Public Sector Trade Unions. and undertakes continuous campaign for strengthening of the Public Sector pharma & vaccine companies.
- FMRAI is also a constituent of the joint Platform of Central trade unions and Industrial federations. It is fighting for resisting the ills of Union Government's neo-liberal pro-corporate economic policies and anti-labour policies.
- FMRAI, since a long time have been campaigning for a Rational Drug Policy and access of essential medicines for people. FMRAI demands and agitates for defending the self reliance in drug industry. FMRAI is also working with several organisations in the science movement for protecting our soveriegnity and for reduction of drug prices.